Google's Android Things


                                       Google announced a developer preview of "Android things", an android based platforms for smart phones and internet of things (IOT) products.

What is IOT ?

                                       Internet of things is internetworking of physical devices and embedded with electronics software sensors to collect data and  exchange it. Due to this exchange of data we can collect the information and control it.

Android Things

                                       The android based internet Operating system is designed to make it easier for developers to build a smart appliance since they will be able to work with Android APIs and Google Services they're already familiar with.

                                       Android Things is a rebranded version Google Brillo, an Android-based IoT OS that Google announced in 2015, with added tools like Android Studio, the Android Software Development Kit (SDK), Google Play Services, and Google Cloud Platform.
                                      As the developer pages of android things says that "If you can create an application you can built a device".Android Things is a rebranded version Google Brillo, an Android-based IoT OS that Google announced in 2015, with added tools like Android Studio, the Android Software Development Kit (SDK), Google Play Services, and Google Cloud Platform.

                                      Google extends theconnectivity by adding a support for Weave – Google's IoT communications protocol that helps devices connect to Google Cloud services for setup and to communicate to other this way we can connect the many other gadgets simultaneously.For that you need APN level 24 or more than that of it.

                                      Weave Server will handle device registration, storing of states, command propagation, and integration with Google services such as Google Assistant. For local and remote communication, Weave SDK will be embedded in the devices.

                                        At this moment, Weave SDK supports schemas for light bulbs, thermostats, and smart plugs and switches, with more device types coming soon.

                                        At this moment, Weave SDK supports schemas for light bulbs, thermostats, and smart plugs and switches, with more device types coming soon.Google is working to merge Weave and Nest Weave so all devices can talk with one another securely and reliably.There by growth of android things increases progressively.

                                         According to Google, SmartThings and Hue are already using Weave protocol to connect to the Google Assistant.

                                          Google's developer IOT OS is offering supports for the "INTEL Edison ", "Raspberry pi 2or 3", "NXP pico",and following this order the upcoming feature supports "INTEL joule","NXR argon".

                                         So you get compatibility for both ARM based and X86 processors.It just like a file transfer ,you can just download and put it in a SD card then to Raspberry Pi and then get  installed.

                                         You can get started with the Android Things, which is currently in Developer Preview.You can develope based on your imagination skill.So release your beast and get start developing.

                                     " Android Things alse reduces developement cost and risk involved in it. Hence it increase the way of secure things and change the handling of equipements .Keep this foot further we can reach an unimaginable world".

Google's Android Things Google's Android Things Reviewed by Unknown on 09:45 Rating: 5

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